Hey guys,
So, it's counting down now! the old new website (http://ifcpw.net) will soon be released again on 4 November 2006, along with our new "friend" who's coming into town that very same date! Well, I might take him to our training on the day.. but dont let Sam sees it, Sam has a very sensitive issue when he sees someone as good-looking as he is.. :D
The new website will be soo much better than this one.. it will be made easier for you guys, with a simplified calendar roster version, jadi cek jadwal lebih gampang.. a neat home page, with shoutbox still in play, posting, etc etc.. it's just gonna be awesome! I'm so excited for it..
Also, I'm working on a "IFC-PWD comic book" or a simple cartoon.. haha, I dont know.. I used to make two simple comic but I lost it.. I may try to make it again.. with some characters from our own team of PWD..
Hemmm.. what else, Exam is coming soon.. so study hard, play less..
Okay then, I'll see you in the training session this Saturday (4/11/06).. you guys HAVE to come because this one is very important.. please come, also please RSVP because we gonna provide you with some nice deal of FOOD! we'll try to buy something really special.. so that we can appreciate you guys for one year in 2006 of serving the LORD in dept. PW..
So I will see you then guys, take care!!
Warm Regards (because its Summer),
Site Manager.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Counting DOWN to >> 4 November 2006
Posted by
9:33 am
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
exclusive @ Praise & Worship Department
Someone is about to come in late October 2006..
Yeap!! you read it right people.. We ARE going to have a "friend" joining into our department in a few weeks..
The website itself is going to have a new look, new layout, new fonts, new pictures.. and hopefully new people shouting at the shout box.. AAAAAAAAAA!!!! (like that).. hopefully (still prays days and night) that comment box would become active.. or atleast the shoutbox friends.. pleaseeee.. do leave a shout.. don't just come and check the schedule.. let's chat friends!! woooo...
Anyway, just wait for the surprise.. our "friend" is coming really shortly into our department ;)
Important NEWS! A NATIONAL IFC core night will take place on:
Saturday, 22 October 2006
5 pm @ Living Grace Auditorium
Semua WAJIB WAJIB WAJIB datenk.. this one core night is reallyy importanttt.. and would probably the one you wouldn't want to miss.. PW Dept is goin' to pioneer our new "friend" here.. also, this is strictly WAJIB datenk.. hehehz, well guys we need to learn to commit and love our church.. by supporting our church by joining the core night.. it's a privilege actually for us to come.. Diva Risty/DJ Samy, DKAnnes, AgneZZ-san, RereTz-Chan (im just makin' up nicks :P) are going to monitor who's coming or not.. and good explanation is very much required for those who ain't comin.. well guys, i hope you dont mind kalo kita kembalikan standard baik kita dan kedisiplinan kita.. starting from ourselves :)
Dibalik kedisiplinan.. we will also improve in our FELLOWSHIP! yeap, so most probably around the study week in a few weeks to come we are going to have a MEGA PW DEPT FEAST & OUTING! what's it gonna be? i dont know yet.. but im very highly peakly superbly sure its gonna be great fun! those who miss out are gonna cry eternally!!! :P just wait and see and listen..
Meanwhile, thanks for sticking with us in Praise and Worship Department.. every single ministry you do is a blessing to God and others.. nothing goes in vain.. let's keep giving better and better and even always our best every week.. realize that your ministry CHANGES OTHER'S LIFE!
Super thanks to those who supported TONG cafe!! major success!! (from what i've heard).. I personally want to thank: Lily, Vivia, Angeline, Reret, Pitro, Ley, Judith, Lala, Silvy T, Titin F. and friends who worked on the PW food stand!! guys, how can i pay you back?? :) only God can.. also Natan, Larry, Rico, Raymond, Samy, and Agnez!!! great teams who had played for the band.. you guys are the TOP notch!!! ko Revi, Michael, Inex, and Chris!! Sound System and technical is always no problemo with you guys ;D .. and others who helped.. sorry if I missed your name.. but your help is SOO much appreciated!! God Bless you guys!!
Finally my last words.. our website AND our department will go through lots of changes.. into a better, more exciting way of course.. so lets get improved.. and lets move!!
Jesus Loves You
Site Manager.
Posted by
4:18 am