Ada satu kata yang terlintas di pikiran gua malem ini:
Gua percaya setiap dari kita pernah memikirkan hal ini.. quit kerja, sekolah, pelayanan, apapun juga..
Lucu yah, seringkali manusia begitu mudah memikirkan kata ini ketika dihadapi dengan permasalahan di hidup kita.. Andai bisa quit, seolah segala masalah itu hilang padahal semuanya hanya kita hindari..
Tapi wajar kalo ada pikiran itu.. tapi apakah kita akan melakukan quitting itu?
Guys, aku mo sharing dari pengalaman ku.. Kalo dibilang capek gak sih sama hidup ini.. aku emank capek.. Kayaknya masalah bertubi-tubi, kerjaan banyak banget, hidup kok susah mau santai.. gua ga munafik dan bilang gua ga pernah punya pikiran quit.. baru aja aku punya pikiran itu!
Tapi satu hal yang aku tahu dan itu sebabnya aku ga mao quit, karena gua tahu kalo gua quit sekarang.. seumur hidup gua bakal selalu quit.. kalo gua quit sekarang alias lari dari masalah.. seterusnya gua bakal lari.. mungkin someday bisa sampe quit hidup gua alias bunuh diri!
Tapi aku ga pernah quit dan aku ga akan pernah quit! Sampe sekarang aku bertahan dan aku bersyukur aku ga quit.. karena ini yang aku pelajari:
1. Aku belajar me-manage waktu gua, bahkan lebih baik.. hidup gua!
2. Aku belajar bertanggung jawab, aku ga bakal meninggalkan pekerjaan unfinished!
3. Aku belajar melihat ke depan dan bukan ke belakang, karena di balik masalah gua ada berkat menanti
dan terakhir yang paling penting adalah:
4. Aku belajar berserah ama Tuhan dan malah bisa menyaksikan kedahsyatanNya di setiap permasalahan gua
Guys, masih banyak lagi yg gua belajar.. tapi gua ga bisa sebutin satu per satu.. Yang gua tau, di setiap permasalahan gua.. gua berhasil melihat bahwa Tuhan lebih besar dari masalah itu sendiri.. di Mazmur dikatakan
"Tuhan adalah terangku dan keselamatanku, kepada siapakah aku harus takut?" - Mzm 27:1
Let's ask yourself guys, kalo Tuhan disisimu.. apakah yang bisa menjatuhkanmu? Ketahuilah Tuhan yang kita sembah, adalah Tuhan yang menciptakan langit dan bumi! Dia tahu persis hidupMu, Dia tahu persis kebutuhanMu, Dia tahu persis dirimu.. Dia tidak akan menelantarkanmu atau mengecewakanmu.. Dia berjanji!
So temen-temen.. those of you who are today think about quitting.. dont do it! Kamu dipilih untuk menghadapi masalah2 tertentu karena Tuhan tahu kamu bisa mengatasinya.. justru di tengah2 masalah itu lah kamu melihat kuasa Tuhan itu nyata
Mari kita setelah baca ini ambil waktu sejenak 1-2 menit.. renungkan apa yang kau sedang lakukan di hidupmu.. lihat bagaimana tangan Tuhan sedang bekerja untuk menjadikan hidup mu baik.. Allah perduli dan Dia hendak melakukan perkara yang besar.. sebab di balik segala kesusahan hidupmu, ada berkat besar tersembunyi siap dicurahkan bagi mereka yang berhasil lari sampai pada akhirnya..
Alas, gua cuma mao bilang.. FINISH IT STRONG! Because in the end it won't matter how you start it, but how you end it.. mari hadapi permasalahan kita dengan kekuatan Allah dan hancurkan serangan musuh.. karena Dia besertamu, siapa lawanmu?
Take care, Gbu
Site Manager.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
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12:00 am
Monday, March 05, 2007
MARCH 2007: An Exciting Updates!
Hello Guys! Welcome back from Holiday.
There are numbers of Updates, so make sure you read them all!
UPDATE 1: As I've promised you all, although I was 1 week late.. But, finally the new CHORDS & LYRICS ARCHIVES LIBRARY is ready for use! Please find the link on the tab on the side (maybe it would be down in the bottom if it's not there.. I will need help for someone to fix it :P)
So, let me brief you on the Chords & Lyrics Archives Library. If you can't find the link simply click here.
1. Here you will find a file called Updates For Songs which will show you all the list of the songs that are updated including the date modified and most importanlty the Numbers. Why numbering? I'll explain it later.. but make sure you open that file first before going anywhere.
2. You will find 2 folders named Fast Songs and Slow Songs. Once you entered one of them, you will see the files are not shown in full name, which makes it hard for you to pick which one is the one you want. Thats where numbering comes in handy. Follow numbers from the Updates For Songs.pdf file, and it will open the corresponding song you want.
3. Can't open it? Well, maybe it's because they are in .pdf so you will need Adobe Reader to open the files. Follow the link under the Songs Archives Tab in this website.
So there you go! Find the songs you need without much hussle. I will update these songs as often as I can.. You can also request a song by emailing me or leaving message in the shoutbox.. Surely you can also submit songs if you want to help me out.. Working together always works best! I know there are only 42 songs for a start. But it will grow.. please leave any feedback as this is the first time ever we're releasing this.
UPDATE 2: About my promise on comic and articles.. this will be a new one.. but it may not be found only on the web.. NEXT WEEK, you will find some pieces of paper on the speakers on the stage with some articles in it that will encourage, remind, and refresh you with our ministry in Praise and Worship. You may treat this paper as a PW NEWS or you may find it handy to use the back of it for notes. Since this will be our first copy, it will be in black and white. But please take a notice of it, and have a read, and be blessed.. and FEEDBACKS are welcome! Check it Out ok?
Regarding Songs Library, it's not up yet.. no exact date of when it should be done. But I'm hoping we can release our usual website back to work! By the way, I hope you guys noticed that I am very busy.. a lot of these things are done by myself.. So I would be very grateful if anyone would help me with web managing or other things you can do that you might find useful for this website.. I need your help!
UPDATE 3: And finally, our FIRST EVER produced in 13 years of Praise and Worship Dept ministry (probably).. that we have released our own PWD TSHIRT!!! Some of you might have seen Amelia receiving it.. the front design is exactly as the new banner on our website. I hope you guys will like it.. Next Week it will be on SALE for only $10 per piece!! Oh btw, it's a compulsory to buy!! See the pictures below:
ALAS, I wish you a pleasant stay in this web. I wish you a fruitful year ahead. I wish you a groundbreaking ministry this year. With this new improvements we have I hope you can serve our God better every day. I have a vision that this year, will be a year of IMPACT! Take care and have fun!
God Bless.
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2:01 am