Thursday, April 26, 2007

why LOVE?

Bored, exhausted, and burned out. It's one of the normal phases we Christians usually face. This happen usually when we are living in a routine, had no faith and hope, never help others, does not serve God, and thus lost our excitement and became burned out. Maybe those are the usual situation.
But what if it tell you that: You may have done everything, but still get burned out?

These verses in Corinthians may not be the 'favourite' phrases for most Christians, neither it became a 'favourite' topic about love. But what I found out recently about these verses, is that they were very core and it reflects clearly the life of people in these super-busy world time.
"THOUGH I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.
And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned,but have not love, it profits me nothing."

(1 Corinthians 13:1-3)
Amazing isn't it? Everything became NOTHING when you have not LOVE in you!
So let's look deep into ourselves. Maybe we've cared for others, helped others, served God every week, maybe even sacrificed the whole thing just to be a blessing. Yes, you will see other people blessed, smile on their face and all..
But can you see the smile in yourself?
Or, maybe you had faith. You prayed and miracles happen, you gave phrophecy, you lead worship or shared a word of God and everyone around you were always blessed. Or hope.. you are a powerful leader, influenced other people, and never giving up in any situation.
But do you feel the blessing yourself?
Trust me, if you've already searched your heart and understand these verses, it will all became clear that everyone needs love! That is why in 1 Corinthians 13:13 it says:
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is LOVE."
I hope you'd understand, 'why LOVE?'
God Bless,
Site Manager.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Lesson From a Farmer

"The hard-working farmer ought to be the first to receive his share of the crops." (2 Timothy 2:6)

Can you imagine a farmer who just decides one year that he really doesn’t feel like planting? He tells himself he’s so tired that he is just going to wait around and hope that the harvest will come. But even people who aren’t farmers know that a farmer has to get his seeds into the ground while the time is right to plant if he ever wants to see a harvest.

In farming, the seed always precedes the harvest—and that’s true in our lives as well. In other words, if you want to reap happiness, then you have to sow some seeds by making other people happy. If you want to reap financial blessings, you have to sow financially. If you want to reap friendships, you have to be a friend first. And when you do these things, you’ll be able to share in the harvest along with those you have blessed!

The BIG question is: What are YOU planting in your ministry and life?

Hi all,

Welcome back to the .. Whether you're here just to check the schedule or to shout a comment or to read posting.. I hope you would give your time to read the posting today!

I just received that article above today from Pastor Daniel in his email. When I read it, it striked me real well. It actually is quite relevant with the previous posting in here.

Let's start again with these two simple questions:

1. Do you have hopes/plans in your life, ministry, or anything?
2. If so, what have you done so far?

When people live without hope.. they are probably as good as dead.. that's why a lot of people chooses death over life because they see no hope in their life.. they die spiritually and it will eat their life sooner or later.

I believe in our ministry, it's almost the same deal. If we minister with no hope, there is nothing in it and it will be as plain as soup without salt (Sorry, but I am feeling hungry at the moment).. If you minister for (say) 1 year, and within those time you don't see any growth in people you are ministering to.. maybe you should first look into yourself and see if you yourself aren't growing. Because when you serve God and when you do it with the right attitude, the blessing has got to be obvious.. in other people, or atleast in ourselves.

So let's all of us together start look into our heart and ponder on this points..
- why do we minister?
- who do we serve?
- what have we achieved?

Let's have hopes in our ministry and start serving that way.. let's hope to see people's life's changed! let's hope to see our life's changed! and don't give up if you haven't seen the result yet.. just like the farmer who has to wait for the right time to see the crops harvest, therefore us will need to be patient to see our blessing harvest at right moment!

In your life will go the same.. don't worry about job, financial, or relationship.. the more we seed, the more we will harvest in the future. Remember, whatever it is you are doing in God's glory.. it will NEVER go in vain!

I hope this posting has been a blessing. Leave a shout if you feel like encouraging each other.

God bless and have good day!

Site Manager.