November 2008 Schedule - NOW LIVE!
Please notice the new schedule's display. (M=Musicians, S=Singers, WL=Worship Leaders)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
November 2008 Schedule - NOW LIVE!
Posted by
5:27 pm
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
PW Core Day - This Saturday, 11 AM
Posted by
3:35 pm
Monday, August 25, 2008
Vote for Samuel Nafie!
Our very own singer is going on for audition to jam with Stevie Wonder. Let's show our support and vote for him here.
Posted by
9:30 pm
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Change on Ministers for last week July
Please note the new change for musicians/singers for this week (27/07). :)
Posted by
1:17 pm
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Out with the Past, In with the Next!
G'day folks!
In this glorious June, I am posting up the news that broke everyone to tears last month. Okay.. no one cried.. but it's a pretty big news for IFC Praise and Worship Department. :P
For those who haven't heard the gossip, which is true by the way.. I, (Annes, head of Dept PW for the past 2 years - in case you don't know) will be replaced by the new and more dedicated yet not as handsome leader.. who is *drumrolls* : RAYMOND KARYADI. *followed by clapping of hands*
Raymond, who is bravefully and unafraid of death, has stepped up to the platform to take this position so let's appreciate and support him! All the best, mate.. :)
While me, I just want to say thanks for the support while I was on the platform the past few years. It's been marvelous serving and leading in the best department in IFC. To lots of people I could not mention here, I thanked you from the depth of my heart.. lots of you supported me incredibly and surely my thank you will never be enough to repay all that.
Nevertheless, I'll still be worship leading and strumming the banjo for Sunday & H2O service. So no matter what, I am still with the coolest PW team! ha!
Viva El Presidente, Raymones Karyadi!
- former presidente of PW Department
Posted by
3:48 pm
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Newsbreak 2: Another song change!
Sorry for another song change but this one should make your life easier. The last song Sentuh Hatiku will be replaced by Kau Kugami by Franky Sihombing. We will sing the chorus only.
Again, may I remind you.. we may not have a time to practice together with everyone until gladikotor. Even so, a lot of people might or might not be able to come to gladikotor. So there is only little time for us to practice as a team.
So please practice as much as you can at your own time. God bless. :)
Posted by
9:57 am
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Newsbreak - change of songs for IFC 14th Anniversary
Hi guys, with much consideration, the last song of the songlist for PW IFC 14th Anniversary (Saviour by Samy) will be changed to a more familiar song, which is Sentuh Hatiku by Jason
You can download the song by right-clicking and save target as... this file HERE.
And for those who needs the chords & lyric you can get it HERE.
So, the final songlist (and it will never change) will be:
1. Open the Eyes of My Heart (Sonicflood)
2. Kami T'rima (TW)
3. Yesus (TW)
4. Lord, You are Good (Israel)
5. You're the One (KS)
6. Sentuh Hatiku (Jason)
As we don't have much time practicing and while we have 90% of the songs downloadable through the website.. I hope all of you can spend most of your time practicing at home/work/uni/car.. bring the songs wherever you go! Listen to the them and let them burn in your head so that on the day we can all give the best even with minimal practice together.
Please note a practice together with singers & musicians (maybe dancers) this Sunday. Hopefully almost everyone are ready and are able to make it.
God bless you and I pray you do perfectly well in your study and work. All your sacrifices and good deeds will never go in vain. While human can only appreciate & remember them so much, it is all recorded eternally in the Book of Life.
ifcpw site manager
Posted by
11:06 am
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
IFC 14th Anniversary - Fast Songs & Practice Schedule
Musicians: Jon, Adhi, Annes, Yossy, Raymond, Larry, Natan
Singers: Doreen, Tommy, Vivia, Samy
Choir Leaders: Silvy, Eric
Please download your copy of songs for IFC 14th Anniversary. Right click on the link and Save Target As...
01 Open The Eyes of My Heart
02 Kami T'rima
03 Yesus
04 You are Good
Please also check the practice schedule below (NOTE: PW Fellowship tgl 3 May will be rescheduled soalnya ada wedding):
Thu, 17/04/08 - 18.00 to 21.00 @ LGA
2nd practice: SONGS ARRANGEMENT (Musicians only).
Sat, 19/04/08 – 10.00 to 12.00 @ GO Kids
3rd practice: VOCAL & DANCE TRAINING (Singers, choirs, dancers only)
Vocal training time & place as usual. Dancers pick their own time.
Tue, 29/04/08 - 18.30 to 21.00 @ LGA
4th practice: MUSIC PRACTICE (Musicians only).
Thu, 1/05/08 – 18.30 to 21.00 @ LGA
5th practice: MUSIC PRACTICE (Musicians only).
Sat, 3/05/08 – 10.00 to 12.00 @ GO Kids
6th practice: VOCAL & DANCE TRAINING (Singers, choirs, dancers only)
Vocal training time & place as usual. Dancers pick their own time.
Sun, 4/05/08 - 14.00 to 17.00 @ LGA
7th practice: MUSIC & VOCAL PRACTICE (Musicians & Singers only).
Wed, 7/05/08 - Time & Place TBA
Thu, 8/05/08 – 18.30 to 21.00 @ LGA
8th practice: MUSIC FINAL TOUCH UP (if required)
Fri (9/05) - Time & Place TBA
Sat (10/05) - All Day
GLADIBERSIH & Celebration
Posted by
8:22 am
Thursday, March 20, 2008
40 Days of Intimacy - starts this Sunday!
40 Days of Intimacy is an internal program brought forward by the IFC Praise & Worship Department team. It will start from this Sunday, 23 March 2008 down to Thursday, 1 May 2008.
40 Days of Intimacy is a whole new idea of 40 days program involving consecration and communications within a community. By the end of this program, we pray that we will be more focused on our spiritual needs rather than our flesh. To be more intimate to Father, than ever before.
To join you will need to register to
For further info you can look at the website at
Be intimate, be blessed!
Posted by
1:01 pm
Thursday, January 31, 2008
NEW RELEASE: True Worshippers - All Things New
Released on 27 January 2008 is the long awaited album by True Worshippers - All Things New!
01. Yesus
02. Sungguh Nyata
03. Dalamnya KasihMU Bagiku
04. Kami Terima
05. Restore us
06. Redeemer King (Come & Praise)
07. Kemulian Bagi Tuhan
08. Terpujilah Nama TUhan
09. Pray For The Nation
10. All Things New
11. Serukan Namanya
Eleven new amazing tracks are sure to make All Things New in your spiritual life and they are avalaible to download in the link below. Credit to Kancutband. Please do not misuse the resource.. it is there as a sample. If you enjoy it please support the artist by buying the original CD.
Download here: PART 1 | PART 2
'Behold I make ALL THINGS NEW'"
- Rev 21:5a (NKJV)
Posted by
2:40 pm
Thursday, January 24, 2008
The ‘small’ Truth about Praise & Worship
Why do we lift our hand(s)?
Why do we clap our hands?
Why do we jump?
Why do we dance?
Why do we sing and shout?
When it was first introduced to the world, a lot of Christians think that it was wrong, sesat, and unholy in the presence of the Lord. But a bunch of Christians pushed on, they can’t help it but to dance like David danced. Not long after, a lot of people realized how great it is to actually be free in His presence!
We are free indeed!
There are no limitations to how people should worship God as long as it’s with their whole heart. But sadly to a lot of people, and maybe us, we limit ourselves. We have the paradigm to not get to fanatic when worshipping God. We say that, “I can still feel God, worship God, and magnify God even without all the clapping and jumping.. as long as my heart is right”
True enough, I can do that too. But why do that when you can give so much more?!
Why did God mentioned strength? While God mentioned heart, soul, and mind.. the only fleshy thing He mentioned was strength. Why? Because He knows that we’ve got so much more to offer as a human however old you are.
I once saw a man on a wheelchair.. he was paralyzed from neck to feet with only very little capable movement.. yet he lifted up his hand whenever He worship God. He gave all of his strength!
What about us? Young, healthy and not on a wheelchair? I don’t know about you but I’m giving my everything while I still have the chance!
Let’s give our whole heart, soul, mind, and even strength whenever we worship God. Make it the best expression of love from yourself to God. Remind Him of how much you are in love with Him and touch His heart.
God bless you. Be free!
Site Manager.
Posted by
1:00 pm
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Tips & Hints EDISI 2: Looking for Christian Songs Online
Okeh, finally setelah sekian lama gak buat section tips and hints ( 3 tahun tepatnya =P ), kini ifcpw blogspot mempersembahkan tips & hints EDISI 2: Looking for Christian Songs Online!
Some interesting facts, tahukah anda bahwa 50% lagu di dunia sudah di bajak? tahukah anda 80% dari lagu2 itu available online? Hmm.. sebetulnya sih ini fakta bohong haha cuma intinya banyak buanget lagu2 yang bisa di download online. Including Christian songs, YES, bener, including Christian songs. I'm not teaching you guys to be a pirate here, I'm against it personally, but sometimes kita yg melayani butuh denger lagu dan karena CD or lagu itu gak mudah di dapetin di Australia (karena harga or karena di negara luar Indo), jadi internet menjadi sarana yang baik banget buat kita denger lagu2 baru terutama rohani.
So here's tips for you. Get y0ur pen and paper because it's gonna be HOT! (apa sih...)
- : Interesting, multiply itu seperti friendster dimana orang bisa upload foto, video, dan juga lagu. Sebenernya BUANYAK banget lagu2 yang available di multiply dan hebatnya lagi kalo kita jadi member (free kok), kita bisa download lagu2 yang di share orang. Cara search di google, misalnya kita mo cari lagu GMB judulnya Life is Calling. Keywords nya GMB Life is Calling Download Multiply. Maka keluar tuh hasil search nya mas Google.. cari yg link ke web salah satunya website si ronzlee.. kalo dibuka nanti ada lagunya.. right click di download terus pilih save target as.. pastikan anda udah login kalo mo save lagunya. Otherwise bisa denger streaming dari webnya.
- : Ini officialy forum sharing music Indo punya. Kalo mo cari silahkan register lalu ke forum Music Sharing > Others > Christian Mp3. Disitu bisa request dan banyak banget lagu2 yg bisa di download. Kebanyakan lewat Rapidshare (semacam web untuk upload/download file gede). Jadi kalo mo download banyak2 harus beli account rapidshare. Otherwise bisa aja sih gratis cuma ada delay antara download berikutnya.
-! Yah seperti blog ini banyak blog lain yg share lagu Kristen. Bisa search di google dan cari yg link ke web Salah satu favorit gua (orang ini juga aktif di itu si kancutband. Salam mas! Dia emank jagonya share lagu hehehe.. Salut beratz.
- ! Ada yg pernah buka gak yah? Linknya gua uda kasih dari jaman baheula di blog ini di bag useful links. Di web ini banyak banget lagu2 Indo terutama yg di upload dalam bentuk flash.. kyk youtube but audio only. Including teks and lyrics yg lumayan lengkap. Kalo mo download lagunya bisa aja sih pake Safari web browser. PM me kalo mo tau caranya. :)
- .. yah emank paling lengkap ini nih.. tapi ga semua ada sih karena kan dalam bentuk video.. tapi bisa aja pake sebagai alternatif. Safari web browser juga bisa download video2 di Youtube.
Yah sebenernya masih banyak yg masih pakai p2p software seperti Kazaa, Limewire, or lewat Torrent. Tapi menurut gua html paling safe and easy karena gak repot install2an.
But remember, the most effective way is still buying the original CD from Indo. So, support the artist okeh! hehehe.. hope this helps and improve your musical knowledge.
Site Manager.
Posted by
10:44 am