Hi guys, with much consideration, the last song of the songlist for PW IFC 14th Anniversary (Saviour by Samy) will be changed to a more familiar song, which is Sentuh Hatiku by Jason
You can download the song by right-clicking and save target as... this file HERE.
And for those who needs the chords & lyric you can get it HERE.
So, the final songlist (and it will never change) will be:
1. Open the Eyes of My Heart (Sonicflood)
2. Kami T'rima (TW)
3. Yesus (TW)
4. Lord, You are Good (Israel)
5. You're the One (KS)
6. Sentuh Hatiku (Jason)
As we don't have much time practicing and while we have 90% of the songs downloadable through the website.. I hope all of you can spend most of your time practicing at home/work/uni/car.. bring the songs wherever you go! Listen to the them and let them burn in your head so that on the day we can all give the best even with minimal practice together.
Please note a practice together with singers & musicians (maybe dancers) this Sunday. Hopefully almost everyone are ready and are able to make it.
God bless you and I pray you do perfectly well in your study and work. All your sacrifices and good deeds will never go in vain. While human can only appreciate & remember them so much, it is all recorded eternally in the Book of Life.
ifcpw site manager
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Newsbreak - change of songs for IFC 14th Anniversary
Posted by
11:06 am
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
IFC 14th Anniversary - Fast Songs & Practice Schedule
Musicians: Jon, Adhi, Annes, Yossy, Raymond, Larry, Natan
Singers: Doreen, Tommy, Vivia, Samy
Choir Leaders: Silvy, Eric
Please download your copy of songs for IFC 14th Anniversary. Right click on the link and Save Target As...
01 Open The Eyes of My Heart
02 Kami T'rima
03 Yesus
04 You are Good
Please also check the practice schedule below (NOTE: PW Fellowship tgl 3 May will be rescheduled soalnya ada wedding):
Thu, 17/04/08 - 18.00 to 21.00 @ LGA
2nd practice: SONGS ARRANGEMENT (Musicians only).
Sat, 19/04/08 – 10.00 to 12.00 @ GO Kids
3rd practice: VOCAL & DANCE TRAINING (Singers, choirs, dancers only)
Vocal training time & place as usual. Dancers pick their own time.
Tue, 29/04/08 - 18.30 to 21.00 @ LGA
4th practice: MUSIC PRACTICE (Musicians only).
Thu, 1/05/08 – 18.30 to 21.00 @ LGA
5th practice: MUSIC PRACTICE (Musicians only).
Sat, 3/05/08 – 10.00 to 12.00 @ GO Kids
6th practice: VOCAL & DANCE TRAINING (Singers, choirs, dancers only)
Vocal training time & place as usual. Dancers pick their own time.
Sun, 4/05/08 - 14.00 to 17.00 @ LGA
7th practice: MUSIC & VOCAL PRACTICE (Musicians & Singers only).
Wed, 7/05/08 - Time & Place TBA
Thu, 8/05/08 – 18.30 to 21.00 @ LGA
8th practice: MUSIC FINAL TOUCH UP (if required)
Fri (9/05) - Time & Place TBA
Sat (10/05) - All Day
GLADIBERSIH & Celebration
Posted by
8:22 am