Okey guys,
The Roster's have been updated into the blog.. modified and simplified.. you can see it on the right hand side of this blog ada section khusus for THIS MONTH'S ROSTER!
Please check it regularly to always make sure you get it right.. and to see if there have been any changes made.. its back from anniversary.. the rule of discipline still applies.. lets make use of the tips! hehehe.. let's do it better each week frenz..
Apart from This Month's Roster.. there is a PICTURE OF THE MONTH!!! and the prizeee goess tooooo.. *drum rolls* .....................................................

ohhh.. look at him.. trying to make his own supersize me picture.. hehehe.. just kidding.. hehehe.. jgn marah ya bang.. eniwei2.. here are also some pictures from the 12th Anniversary.. sorry most of em are the musicians.. since i was holding the camera and i didnt get the chance to get the singer, choirs, and dancers pic.. but i will try to get it from someone who has it.. hehe.. anyway.. thanks again to all of you guys! it was PERFECT! it was GREAT! and i was so honored to serve God with you all! I pray God blesses you abundantly in every way and in every thing you do! GBU!
Some IFC 12th Anniversary Pictures (Click for larger picture):

The Roster's have been updated into the blog.. modified and simplified.. you can see it on the right hand side of this blog ada section khusus for THIS MONTH'S ROSTER!
Please check it regularly to always make sure you get it right.. and to see if there have been any changes made.. its back from anniversary.. the rule of discipline still applies.. lets make use of the tips! hehehe.. let's do it better each week frenz..
Apart from This Month's Roster.. there is a PICTURE OF THE MONTH!!! and the prizeee goess tooooo.. *drum rolls* .....................................................
ohhh.. look at him.. trying to make his own supersize me picture.. hehehe.. just kidding.. hehehe.. jgn marah ya bang.. eniwei2.. here are also some pictures from the 12th Anniversary.. sorry most of em are the musicians.. since i was holding the camera and i didnt get the chance to get the singer, choirs, and dancers pic.. but i will try to get it from someone who has it.. hehe.. anyway.. thanks again to all of you guys! it was PERFECT! it was GREAT! and i was so honored to serve God with you all! I pray God blesses you abundantly in every way and in every thing you do! GBU!
Some IFC 12th Anniversary Pictures (Click for larger picture):