Hey-Low guys!
Holiday is Here! yeeyyyy.. hehehe..
Buat temen2 yg holiday ke Indo.. take care yah, keep semangat melayani Tuhan.. ke Go Jakarta juga.. and sms me (annes) aja di 0402 356 788 kalo jalan2 di indo.. huehue.. biar gua juga ga kesepian.. buat temen2 yg di Perth.. have fun aja dahhh!~ huehuehe.. tolong titip ifcpw di perth yah biar tetep2 mantep!
aniwei sorry juga nih foto2nya byk yg ilank.. karena gua pindahan.. internet accountnya di close.. and di remove dehh fotonya ama providernya hiks.. ntar kalo ada waktu gua fix de..
Also for RIKY.. huhuhu.. one of our bassist yg bakal balik ke indo meninggalkan kita semua.. thanks for everything mate.. hehe.. uda jadi pemain bassis handal.. from zero to hero.. we pray that God would use you greater that ever before.. and we pray that He will open paths for your work, study, ministry, family, and marriage. heuheuhue.. take care in indo brother!
okay guys, skali lagi.. tetep semangat selama liburan.. never miss your sate and pray to God always anywhere anytime. Have fun with the holliez friends and thanks for the ministry with ifpw! God Bless!
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Holiday Is Here!!
Posted by
10:35 pm
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