Hey guys, how are you all?
In this post I will put some updates and a bit of sharing for y'all. Especially about what I was blessed by Sidney's sharing (I know some of you might be bored listenin' to this, but keepin' it in the website will always refresh us), also some coming up events etc will be reviewed in this post.
[1. Upcoming EVENTS]
Dont miss them!
Core Live, will include Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (everyone does), IFC PW HOT GOSSIP, Words of GOD Live, Praise and Worship Nite Live!
NgetJipLag '06 - this year brings cash prize, and chances for songs to be sing in the next year IFC PW Tour Concert 2006.
Huehuehueheuheuheuheuhue.. oke2.., move on the next part, it gets more serious baby..
[2. SHARING - essence of Praise & Worship ]
Okay, so we are denoted as "the Praise and Worship Department", hence, every people in it is a "Worshipper". That's what people knows and thinks. However, Do you actually know what is the essence of PRAISE & WORSHIP itself? and what it means by being a TRUE WORSHIPPER?
So here are some definitions people may think about praise & worship:
1. most common -> praise = fast songs, worship = slow songs (it is NOT)
2. is an act of singing/playing music for Christian songs
3. act of dancing, clapping hands, lifting up hands, jumping
4. music! music! and music! it's all about music!
Well, let me tell you something, Praise and Worship is not about them.. what it means by worship (and praise) is an act of glorifying God, magnifying God, exalting God.. wait? are they too hard to understand? .. i'll say worship is an act of putting a smile on God's face. Sidney may say it is all of me (human) for all of HIM (God). but whatever it is, it is about making God happy, pleased, joyful through the way we lived our lifes.
What it means by True Worshipper, is different from just being a worshipper. Every single person on earth IS a worshipper.. the thing is, what do we worship? we may worship money, jobs, school, girl/boy friends, family, ourselves, and even the worship itself (which means worshipping the act of singing/playing music without having to understand the essence of it). TRUE WORSHIPPER is one who worship GOD himself, focussing to none but Him. Remember, whatever you do in the ministry, you ain't pleasin' ur leader nor the congegrations, instead you only be pleasin' God.
Now you may think you ain't good enuf to give what you have for God. Some still worry if their skill is not up to the standard. Some thinks their voice are crap. Well, here's a good example. Imagine kids drawing his/her parents in a stickman kind of drawing. He/she then gave the drawing to the parents. Which would you think will his/her parent reacted:
1. OMG! such a horrible drawing! that ain't me! That looks more like a broomstick man!
2. WOW! Thankss! That's the best drawing if ever seen! Thank you so much sweetie!
Now, whatever we have, even if it's a broomstick man or a Monalisa smile kind of drawing we're givin' to God, it is our hearts that matters. When we give our best, then God will see it only as the best!
So guys, whatever you've got, whatever you're worried of, I encourage you to give the best through our heart. I encourage you to praise & worship Him every single hours of our days. Remember! it does not always about singing or musicing, or dancing, or sound systeming (bad Englishhh).. but in EVERY step, thought, saying, act we take, we do it as to praise & worship God and to give Him one huge smile :)
God is watching, give Him our best show!
[3. Finally... ]
Finally, i would like to say thank you SO MUCH for all your support, ministry, and effort. Nothing is useless for what you sow will let you reap greater in the future. Me, atas nama Praise and Worship Department, are honoured to have such committed people like you guys. God bless y'all! See you in Core LIVE!
Site Manager.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Update Update
Posted by
12:35 am
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