Wow.. it's been awhile since it's last updated..
Sorry guys, I've just had my internet up last week.. also it was such a busy last weeks of exams.. and even after exams there are still lots of things needed to be done..
The change to the original website will be delayed until further info next year :( .. it is due to the vast number of people leaving Perth for holidays.. so I thought we would keep it till all you guys get back to Perth.. so we can enjoy the full functions of the new web released..
Meanwhile, we are trying to actually improve the quality of the web.. contents, resources, etc.. few things that "hopefully" will be introduced via the web next year are:
1. Online Chords & Lyrics.
For those of you who will be needing it.. just download the pdf file.. and voila!~ I will make a new and updated one during these 3 months holiday.. and aim to finish it as soon as end of February hits the calendar..
2. Comics, Articles, Games, Fun Section
I will try also, to produce some comic.. simple one.. or games, or trivia.. whatever.. but what I'm really good at is comic.. so I will try to make some and put it along with the online chords & lyrics.
3. Songs Library
This, is probably the most challenging one.. but I think we would give it a try.. pray ey!
Okay, other thing is.. we are also aiming to make a first premiere of the PW Dept T-Shirt! We are conducting research for clothing type and styles and the prices.. it probably won't be free but we are trying to keep the price at minimum and to make the maximum of quality..
Anyway, the "friend" i mentioned few posts earlier.. will arrive next year.. :P sorry.. this one was the worst delay.. hahah.. forgive us.. but pray for us okay so we could achieve better next year.. and of course we surrender it all for God to work on us..
Well then, have a good trip and holiday for all who's going back to Indo or vacation anywhere else, have fun.. and God speeds! See you with a better spirit next year! GBU
Site Manager.
PS: Jadwal singer will be uploaded soon hopefully.. there are some troubles with it.. meanwhile, please contact Samy for the roster of this week (3/12/06). Sorry for the inconvenience. GBU.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Delayed.. :(
Posted by
12:36 am
Monday, October 30, 2006
Counting DOWN to >> 4 November 2006
Hey guys,
So, it's counting down now! the old new website ( will soon be released again on 4 November 2006, along with our new "friend" who's coming into town that very same date! Well, I might take him to our training on the day.. but dont let Sam sees it, Sam has a very sensitive issue when he sees someone as good-looking as he is.. :D
The new website will be soo much better than this one.. it will be made easier for you guys, with a simplified calendar roster version, jadi cek jadwal lebih gampang.. a neat home page, with shoutbox still in play, posting, etc etc.. it's just gonna be awesome! I'm so excited for it..
Also, I'm working on a "IFC-PWD comic book" or a simple cartoon.. haha, I dont know.. I used to make two simple comic but I lost it.. I may try to make it again.. with some characters from our own team of PWD..
Hemmm.. what else, Exam is coming soon.. so study hard, play less..
Okay then, I'll see you in the training session this Saturday (4/11/06).. you guys HAVE to come because this one is very important.. please come, also please RSVP because we gonna provide you with some nice deal of FOOD! we'll try to buy something really special.. so that we can appreciate you guys for one year in 2006 of serving the LORD in dept. PW..
So I will see you then guys, take care!!
Warm Regards (because its Summer),
Site Manager.
Posted by
9:33 am
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
exclusive @ Praise & Worship Department
Someone is about to come in late October 2006..
Yeap!! you read it right people.. We ARE going to have a "friend" joining into our department in a few weeks..
The website itself is going to have a new look, new layout, new fonts, new pictures.. and hopefully new people shouting at the shout box.. AAAAAAAAAA!!!! (like that).. hopefully (still prays days and night) that comment box would become active.. or atleast the shoutbox friends.. pleaseeee.. do leave a shout.. don't just come and check the schedule.. let's chat friends!! woooo...
Anyway, just wait for the surprise.. our "friend" is coming really shortly into our department ;)
Important NEWS! A NATIONAL IFC core night will take place on:
Saturday, 22 October 2006
5 pm @ Living Grace Auditorium
Semua WAJIB WAJIB WAJIB datenk.. this one core night is reallyy importanttt.. and would probably the one you wouldn't want to miss.. PW Dept is goin' to pioneer our new "friend" here.. also, this is strictly WAJIB datenk.. hehehz, well guys we need to learn to commit and love our church.. by supporting our church by joining the core night.. it's a privilege actually for us to come.. Diva Risty/DJ Samy, DKAnnes, AgneZZ-san, RereTz-Chan (im just makin' up nicks :P) are going to monitor who's coming or not.. and good explanation is very much required for those who ain't comin.. well guys, i hope you dont mind kalo kita kembalikan standard baik kita dan kedisiplinan kita.. starting from ourselves :)
Dibalik kedisiplinan.. we will also improve in our FELLOWSHIP! yeap, so most probably around the study week in a few weeks to come we are going to have a MEGA PW DEPT FEAST & OUTING! what's it gonna be? i dont know yet.. but im very highly peakly superbly sure its gonna be great fun! those who miss out are gonna cry eternally!!! :P just wait and see and listen..
Meanwhile, thanks for sticking with us in Praise and Worship Department.. every single ministry you do is a blessing to God and others.. nothing goes in vain.. let's keep giving better and better and even always our best every week.. realize that your ministry CHANGES OTHER'S LIFE!
Super thanks to those who supported TONG cafe!! major success!! (from what i've heard).. I personally want to thank: Lily, Vivia, Angeline, Reret, Pitro, Ley, Judith, Lala, Silvy T, Titin F. and friends who worked on the PW food stand!! guys, how can i pay you back?? :) only God can.. also Natan, Larry, Rico, Raymond, Samy, and Agnez!!! great teams who had played for the band.. you guys are the TOP notch!!! ko Revi, Michael, Inex, and Chris!! Sound System and technical is always no problemo with you guys ;D .. and others who helped.. sorry if I missed your name.. but your help is SOO much appreciated!! God Bless you guys!!
Finally my last words.. our website AND our department will go through lots of changes.. into a better, more exciting way of course.. so lets get improved.. and lets move!!
Jesus Loves You
Site Manager.
Posted by
4:18 am
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
A Message from our Senior Pastor - Daniel Ong
Sehubungan dengan pesan-pesan Tuhan akhir-akhir ini di jemaat maka kita mau terus tingkatkan:
1. Keintiman semua jemaat dan khususnya pekerja dengan Tuhan, biar kita semua membuka selubung (menutupi/penghalang) hubungan kita dengan Tuhan, Sesama dan Pelayanan.
"Tetapi apabila hati seorang berbalik kepada Tuhan, maka selubung itu diambil dari padanya." - 2 Cor 3:16
2. Menegakan nilai-nilai bersama yang telah memudar, karena kesibukan saya keluar dan tidak ada pemimpin (Pastor Executive) yang tidak berfungsi di Perth menjalankan visi, misi dan nilai-nilai. Oleh karena itu beban sayadan kita bersama menegakan nilai-nilai sebagaimana saya sdh sharekan di Rapim (rapat pimpinan). Pertama yang harus kita benahkan dari kata CORE.
C = Comitment kita untuk hadir dalam pelayanan, pertemuan bersama dan gathering pekerja, jika tidak hadir hubungi pemimpin di atasnya. Saya sdh mulai sms beberapa orang yg saya tahu tidak hadir. PELAYANAN YG TIDAK ADA COMITMENT AKAN HANCUR!
O = Optimism, kita harus optimis kita bisa melakukan segala sesuatu bersamaTuhan Yesus...spirit ini harus terus diulang dan diperkatakan. YES YOU CAN!
R = Relationship, saya percaya ini penting sekali...tolong kasih masukan bagaimana kita bisa lebih baik relationship diantara kita...saya ada ide untuk core night kita dibagi per department dan ada yang gabungan misalnya 2 bulan sekali sehingga relationship bisa terbangun. RULE WITHOUT RELATIONSHIP= REBELIOUS
E = Everyone is a minister....kemajuan gereja kita adalah akibat kesadaran kita bahwa semua kita pelayanan dan hambaNya...bukan hanya daniel ong. Mari mulai bersama, bangun bersama dan ambil beban bersama dan nikmati bersama. INEED YOU!
Ok sekian dulu dari saya...terima kasih selama ini boleh menjadi pekerja di IFC, kalau ada hal-hal yg bisa saya bantu bisa pake email ini ( ...(SARAN, IDE please yang positif karena negatif membunuh man!) dukung terus di dalam doa, karena kesibukan dan beban pelayanan semakin banyak sementara tenaga dan waktu terbatas...saya masih memerlukan orang-orang yg benar-benar bisa ambil tanggungjawab lebih di jemaat Perth...
Mari kita lebih mengasihi jiwa-jiwa dengan memberi yg terbaik dari yang kita bisa berikan biar nama Tuhan dimuliakan!
Salam kegerakan,
Daniel Ong
Posted by
2:07 pm
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Please Read Carefully!
Dear fellow worshippers,
Musicians and singers schedule are already out, please check your schedule regularly and keep reminding yourself when you are serving.. please be responsible and don't be late.. I also need to remind all choirs to please come on Sunday morning at 9.15 am for practice.. please choir leader to make sure all the choir member is coming on time..
To all musicians, singers, dancers, or sound system.. if you are late or probably didn't even come, without NOTICE.. there will be a disciplinary action or you guys (hoorayyy!).. not be harsh, but we all grown up need to be more responsible.. coming late is ok.. unable to play that day is ok.. as long as you GIVE NOTICE (to me atleast or someone in charge), or if you can't serve that day please get someone to replace you.. love you guys ;)
Also, Ari Lasso is coming to Perth! So here's the musicians playing for the event, practice will start hopefully next week:
Keyboard: Samy, Agnez
Elec. guitar: Annes, Rico
Acc. guitar: Raymond
Bass: Larry
Drum: Natan
Also, in Tong Cafe 3, our department will have a food stall.. so I will need some of you guys to help either cooking, waitering, operating tilt, taking order, etc etc.. :)
Thank you for ministering with us to serve God in our department of Praise and Worship. It's been my honour to have play music with you, sing with you, etc etc.. It's my desire to bring our ministry in our church into a whole new dimension.. I believe that God still does His miracles as He did 2000 years ago.. So let's pump up our passion for Him, bring out the best in us.. enjoy what we are doing.. be enthusiastic.. because God is more than ready, to bless us, abundantly
Have a nice day
site manager.
Posted by
9:57 am
Thursday, August 24, 2006
News on True Worshippers LIVE Concert - CAPTIVATED!
True Worshippers, sebuah grup band beraliran musik gospel, kembali berencana meluncurkan album baru bertitel Captivated, yang akan direkam secara live recording pada tanggal 23 Agustus nanti, di Tennis Indoor Senayan. Saat jumpa pers di Conference Rooms, UpperRoom Jakarta Annex Building, Rabu (9/8), Sidney Mohede selaku produser, composer, sekaligus Worship Leader, menjelaskan, dalam live recording tersebut akan dibuat 2 album sekaligus, yang akan dilempar ke pasaran domestik dan internasional. (disadur dari
The Poster
Pemusik: Ucok Radjaguguk, Steve Tabalujan, Daniel Sigarlakhi, Jeffry Hermanto,Arvid Gunardi, Amos Cahyadi, Adi Prasodjo, dan Pongky Prasetyo.
Penyanyi:Sidney Mohede, Sari Simorangkir, Ruth Sahanaya, Nindy Ellese, Bella Prasetyo, Lita Zen, Alvi Radjagukguk, dan Jussar Badudu.
Konsep acara pada live recording concert akan dibawakan 20 lagu untuk konser dan akan dihasilkan dua album sekaligus dari concert ini, yang pertama akan direkam 10 lagu terbaru untuk album "Captivated" dan perekaman yang kedua akan menghasilkan album Bahasa Inggris untuk distribusi internasional.
Adapun alasan membuat album dengan tema "Captivated" karena terinspirasiakan keindahan Tuhan yang menciptakan dunia ini.
C 1. Opening
2. Betapa Hebat
3. Shine Like Stars
C 4. English fast
C 5. Kaulah Segalanya
C 6. Saat KusembahMu
7. This is My Life
C 8. KebesaranMu
9. Lord I Surrender
C10. Sukacita Surga
11. Take Us Higher
12. I Will Bless the Lord
13. Amazing
C14. Captivated
C15. Kau Kekuatanku
C16. I Surrender All
17. Alleluia
C18. Worthy is the Lamb
C19. Maha Kuasa Maha Mulia
C20. Holy, Holy God Almighty
21. Nothing Is Ever Impossible
22. Hatiku Percaya (Encore)
Yang ada C didepannya untuk album "Captivated". Yang tidak ada C untuk distribusi Internasional.
(disadur dari
Katanya sih yg beli tiket dapet wristband:
Hehe.. jadi kalo yg lagi di Indo tolong donk bawain buat kita2.. hehe.. and bawain albumnya juga for us.. whoooo... kita doakan albumnya masuk Australia deh ya guys.. expect new songs in our kebaktian :) GBU
Posted by
7:57 pm
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Update Update
Hey guys, how are you all?
In this post I will put some updates and a bit of sharing for y'all. Especially about what I was blessed by Sidney's sharing (I know some of you might be bored listenin' to this, but keepin' it in the website will always refresh us), also some coming up events etc will be reviewed in this post.
[1. Upcoming EVENTS]
Dont miss them!
Core Live, will include Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (everyone does), IFC PW HOT GOSSIP, Words of GOD Live, Praise and Worship Nite Live!
NgetJipLag '06 - this year brings cash prize, and chances for songs to be sing in the next year IFC PW Tour Concert 2006.
Huehuehueheuheuheuheuhue.. oke2.., move on the next part, it gets more serious baby..
[2. SHARING - essence of Praise & Worship ]
Okay, so we are denoted as "the Praise and Worship Department", hence, every people in it is a "Worshipper". That's what people knows and thinks. However, Do you actually know what is the essence of PRAISE & WORSHIP itself? and what it means by being a TRUE WORSHIPPER?
So here are some definitions people may think about praise & worship:
1. most common -> praise = fast songs, worship = slow songs (it is NOT)
2. is an act of singing/playing music for Christian songs
3. act of dancing, clapping hands, lifting up hands, jumping
4. music! music! and music! it's all about music!
Well, let me tell you something, Praise and Worship is not about them.. what it means by worship (and praise) is an act of glorifying God, magnifying God, exalting God.. wait? are they too hard to understand? .. i'll say worship is an act of putting a smile on God's face. Sidney may say it is all of me (human) for all of HIM (God). but whatever it is, it is about making God happy, pleased, joyful through the way we lived our lifes.
What it means by True Worshipper, is different from just being a worshipper. Every single person on earth IS a worshipper.. the thing is, what do we worship? we may worship money, jobs, school, girl/boy friends, family, ourselves, and even the worship itself (which means worshipping the act of singing/playing music without having to understand the essence of it). TRUE WORSHIPPER is one who worship GOD himself, focussing to none but Him. Remember, whatever you do in the ministry, you ain't pleasin' ur leader nor the congegrations, instead you only be pleasin' God.
Now you may think you ain't good enuf to give what you have for God. Some still worry if their skill is not up to the standard. Some thinks their voice are crap. Well, here's a good example. Imagine kids drawing his/her parents in a stickman kind of drawing. He/she then gave the drawing to the parents. Which would you think will his/her parent reacted:
1. OMG! such a horrible drawing! that ain't me! That looks more like a broomstick man!
2. WOW! Thankss! That's the best drawing if ever seen! Thank you so much sweetie!
Now, whatever we have, even if it's a broomstick man or a Monalisa smile kind of drawing we're givin' to God, it is our hearts that matters. When we give our best, then God will see it only as the best!
So guys, whatever you've got, whatever you're worried of, I encourage you to give the best through our heart. I encourage you to praise & worship Him every single hours of our days. Remember! it does not always about singing or musicing, or dancing, or sound systeming (bad Englishhh).. but in EVERY step, thought, saying, act we take, we do it as to praise & worship God and to give Him one huge smile :)
God is watching, give Him our best show!
[3. Finally... ]
Finally, i would like to say thank you SO MUCH for all your support, ministry, and effort. Nothing is useless for what you sow will let you reap greater in the future. Me, atas nama Praise and Worship Department, are honoured to have such committed people like you guys. God bless y'all! See you in Core LIVE!
Site Manager.
Posted by
12:35 am
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Welcome Back From Holiday!
Welcome back Worshippers!
So how's holiday? New semester coming up, new things waiting ahead of us! So guys, this next 6 months is gonna be exciting! Starting from the "Touching Heaven Changing Life" project which i believe is going to be a big blessed success, then there's n'GeTjipLag `06 that is gonna be very challenging (big surprise for best song.. hint hint), and also Tong Cafe feat. Ari Lasso.. hohoho.. so let's get excited.. with every event kita bisa release our potential.. BEYOND BOUNDARIES, BEYOND LIMITATIONS.. let's not hold God's works in our life.. He can do more than we have ever thought..
Anyway guys, roster is up (singers is still on pending)... latihan for this week will be changed slightly.. for this 29/07/06 and 30/07/06
Keb pagi: Sabtu, 13.30 - 14.00
Keb h2o: Sabtu, 15.00 - 16.30
Why, karena kita juga kedatangan seorang nabi dari Indo yg dipakai begitu hebat.. i invite you guys to come to the seminar:
Jumat 28/07/06 : jam 19.00 @ Murray St. LGA
Sabtu 29/07/06: jam 10.00 @ Murray St. LGA
Minggu 30/07/06: + Core Night jam 17.00 @ Murray St. LGA
Do Not MISS them!
Also early notice.. we will have PROPHETIC CORE DAY.. semua yg sudah melayani maupun yg baru join.. atau bahkan baru hendak masuk dalam tim praise and worship DIUNDANG untuk datang.. oke.. buat yg uda join sih DIWAJIBKAN! hehehe.. please dateng.. untuk setiap yg gak datenk harus punya alasan yg sangat baik.. please support guys ini demi kebaikan kita bersama dan agar kita bisa beri yg terbaik buat Tuhan yah.. so its on:
Sabtu 12/08/06: jam 12.30 @ Murray St. LGA
Please come and invite others! Kita juga sekalian buka recruitment! we need new ministers..
Okay guys, hope you had a lovely holiday but the best weeks are yet to come.. hehe.. let's burn our passion to serve faithfully, whole-heartedly, fully for our God.. for He has annointed us to be His privileged worshippers..
God bless you guys!
Blog Manager
Posted by
8:26 am
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Holiday Is Here!!
Hey-Low guys!
Holiday is Here! yeeyyyy.. hehehe..
Buat temen2 yg holiday ke Indo.. take care yah, keep semangat melayani Tuhan.. ke Go Jakarta juga.. and sms me (annes) aja di 0402 356 788 kalo jalan2 di indo.. huehue.. biar gua juga ga kesepian.. buat temen2 yg di Perth.. have fun aja dahhh!~ huehuehe.. tolong titip ifcpw di perth yah biar tetep2 mantep!
aniwei sorry juga nih foto2nya byk yg ilank.. karena gua pindahan.. internet accountnya di close.. and di remove dehh fotonya ama providernya hiks.. ntar kalo ada waktu gua fix de..
Also for RIKY.. huhuhu.. one of our bassist yg bakal balik ke indo meninggalkan kita semua.. thanks for everything mate.. hehe.. uda jadi pemain bassis handal.. from zero to hero.. we pray that God would use you greater that ever before.. and we pray that He will open paths for your work, study, ministry, family, and marriage. heuheuhue.. take care in indo brother!
okay guys, skali lagi.. tetep semangat selama liburan.. never miss your sate and pray to God always anywhere anytime. Have fun with the holliez friends and thanks for the ministry with ifpw! God Bless!
Posted by
10:35 pm
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Roster Updated & an Apology
Okay guys,
The roster have been updated.. due to some weird happenings last week, the blog was down.. but i was able to revive it back.. although the shoutbox isn't there yet.. and maybe some stuff aren't how it supposed to be.. but atleast the ROSTER is there!
hehe.. so.. from this day on.. please be reminded to check the website REGULARLY.. Risty and Agnez will stop sms-ing soon, so please dont forget your roster.. be responsible and give your best okeh??
Thankz again for sticking with PW department, the journey has yet to get more exciting as our church will have some cool events coming up, including nGeTjipLag '07 (pendaftaran) coming up late July!
Tips & Hints was on progress.. tapi tersendat karena kesibukan yg luar biasa.. huhuhu.. but i promise it will be up as soon as possible! huehue.. okeh.. please leave a shout in the CommentBox above this post! thanks guys, Gbu!
Site Manager
Posted by
12:39 am
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Monthly Roster (UPDATED!)
The Roster's have been updated into the blog.. modified and simplified.. you can see it on the right hand side of this blog ada section khusus for THIS MONTH'S ROSTER!
Please check it regularly to always make sure you get it right.. and to see if there have been any changes made.. its back from anniversary.. the rule of discipline still applies.. lets make use of the tips! hehehe.. let's do it better each week frenz..
Apart from This Month's Roster.. there is a PICTURE OF THE MONTH!!! and the prizeee goess tooooo.. *drum rolls* .....................................................
ohhh.. look at him.. trying to make his own supersize me picture.. hehehe.. just kidding.. hehehe.. jgn marah ya bang.. eniwei2.. here are also some pictures from the 12th Anniversary.. sorry most of em are the musicians.. since i was holding the camera and i didnt get the chance to get the singer, choirs, and dancers pic.. but i will try to get it from someone who has it.. hehe.. anyway.. thanks again to all of you guys! it was PERFECT! it was GREAT! and i was so honored to serve God with you all! I pray God blesses you abundantly in every way and in every thing you do! GBU!
Some IFC 12th Anniversary Pictures (Click for larger picture):
Posted by
12:09 pm
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Tips & Hints EDISI 1 : Menghindari Datang Terlambat!
Okeh.. welcome to a new section of the blog.. TIPS AND HINTS!
Huehue.. untuk mengimprove performa pelayanan kita agar lebih disiplin dan tepat waktu.. gua akan menyediakan tips and hints dan di edisi pertama ini adalah untuk MENGHINDARI DATANG TERLAMBAT!
Khan uda sering tuh case kita mo latihan musik/nyanyi/nari or pergi kebaktian or sekolah or apapun juga deh.. terus tiba2 kita ketiduran! datang telat! dan akhirnya kena omel or kena disiplin oleh pihak yang berwajib.. terkadang ada banyak alasan.. alarmnya gak nyala, ketinggalan bus, perjalanan jauh.. well, sebetulnya berdasarkan survey.. 90% orang telat adalah karena kurang persiapan!!! huhuhu.. well survey based on myself doank sih.. huehuehue.. eniwei, gua decide di kolom ini gua share tips dan hints yg bisa membantu anda datang TEPAT WAKTU!
1. Mempersiapkan ALARM!
Persiapkan alarm anda dengan baik bahkan jika perlu nyalakan semua alarm yg ada di kamarmu.. mulai dari hp (kalo ada dua, ya dua2nya), jam tangan/arloji, jam meja, jam dinding, dan kalo perlu piara ayam jago dikamar biar kamu dipastikan bangun pagi! Jangan pasang alarm yg bersuara lembut.. biasanya itu malah mengiringi anda menuju alam mimpi semakin seru.. pasang lagu2 keras seperti P.O.D or Kahitna (kalo menurut anda itu cukup keras) lalu setel alarm minimal 1 jam sebelum waktu yg anda rencanakan!! Jadi anda ketika bangun bisa snooze tiap 10 menit selama 1 jam.. huehuehue.. nanti juga kan lama2 capek mencetin akhirnya bangun juga..
2. Berdoa!
Eits! Jangan lupa berdoa donk! Nah ini perlu spekulasi durasi.. sebisa mungkin siapkan waktu banyak biar bisa baca Firman Tuhan and Doa dengan fokus tanpa perlu intip2 jam.. nah makanya bangun pagian.. huehue.. tapi kalo sampe kepepet anda ketiduran.. tetaplah berdoa dan jangan melupakan Tuhan.. or kalo emank bangunnya uda tuelattt banget.. nah berdoa juga tetep.. biar Tuhan memberikan hikmat.. huehue..
3. Shower!
Okeh.. yang ini penting donk.. nah sebisa mungkin shower dulu biar tampil prima dan percaya diri. Manfaatkanlah waktumu di shower.. misal.. breakfast sambil shower, olahraga sambil shower, kalo perlu sambil melatih lagu2 yg bakal dinyanyiin ntar.. nah.. tapi kalo memang tidak sempat shower.. setidaknya gosok gigi lah.. hehe..
4. Make up!
Believe in the POWER oF MakeUP??!! Tips ini gua dapet dari Risty.. huehue.. jadi bawalah semua makeup mu kedalam satu tas.. kalo perlu bawa baju ganti, parfum, dll biar makeup or ganti baju di gereja.. haha.. asal jangan bawa alat2 mandi terus mandi di gereja! huehue.. Intinya perhatikan juga penampilanmu karena ini mempengaruhi performa anda hari itu!
Dann yang terakhir adalahh...
5. NGEBUTTTT!!!!OKEE.. kalo ini dianggap necessary.. lakukanlah sesuai dengan kendaraanmu.. kalo berjalan.. LARI!.. kalo naek sepeda.. GENJOT!.. kalo naek bus.. KEJAR BUS YG PALING EARLY! tapiii kalo naek mobil.. KEEP IT BELOW THE SPEED LIMIT!.. huehue.. karena daripada semakin telat kena tilang polisi.. dan karena ngebut itu DANGEROUS.. keep it safe ajahh.. yang penting nyampe dengan selamat..
Akhirnya.. setibanya anda di gereja/sekolah.. bersyukurlah karena anda sampai dengan selamat.. setidaknya anda melakukan usaha untuk tidak datang telat.. walopun harus kena omel or disiplin.. terimalah dengan hati terbuka.. karena memang sudah konsekuensi.. tapi alangkah baiknya karena suatu hari kita akan semakin terlatih untuk datang tepat waktu.. pasti Tuhan yang membalas usaha anda!!
Demikian tips dan hints EDISI PERTAMA (premier).. sampai berjumpa di rubrik Tips and Hints berikutnya! Tuhan memberkati!
Posted by
1:03 am
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Uploaded! - Songs for IFC 12th Anniversary PW
Dear PW teamz,
Okeyz, since the choirs and singers need some songs for Praise and Worship di 12th Anniv kita.. i created a special folder specifically dedicated for it.. So for you who needs it click HERE.
All you need to do is then right click on the LaguPW(med quality).zip file and choose Save Target As.. and save it to desktop. After that right click on the .zip file you just downloaded and choose Extract Here. Make sure you download the lyricscomplete.doc file as well since it'll give you all the lyrics you need. Hope you don't mind the size, i tried to minimize the size as much without losing the quality.
Oh well, i'ts 3 weekz to go friendz! Let's get excited and go crazy for it.. huehuehue.. bare in mind that we do these all, simply to exalt Him.. and trust His promise that He will bless You all abundantly and accordingly.. God Bless You All. ^___^
Posted by
10:29 pm
Friday, April 21, 2006
Promotion Promotion!
Khan kita bakal ada recruitment for new friends.. so here's the list of people yg melayani :D
Musicians: Agnez, Amelia, Larry, Petrus, Annes, Nathan
Singers: Samy and Risty
Dancers: TBA by Reret
For those playing kalian bisa download lagu yg akan kita pakai which is De Pure - Aku Kan Menari and Lyrics/Chords bisa kalian dapati juga HERE (Note: klik kanan pada link and pilih save target as.. dan save at desktop). Ehemm.. please jangan disalahgunakan yah.. huhu.. ini hanya untuk kalangan sendiri.. and i will remove the file within 1 week.
The recruitment will be for 29 and 30 April di kebaktian H2O and Pagi. Latihan will be as follows:
Kamis - 18.00 - fin
Sabtu - 14.00 - 15.00
Thanks for kerjasamanya. I know you guys are busy but i've heard already so many people are really wanting to join our department and i think this would be a very good opportunity to recruit as much people for our church Anniversary.
Anyway, wish you guys the best untuk studynya juga, i pray that all your assignments and tests will be done by due dates with the highest mark possible. And remember friends to always count on His strength not our own.. Gbu :D
Posted by
12:36 am
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Welcome to !!
Dear fellow worshippers, akhirnya ini tercipta dengan tujuan untuk menjadi sarana komunikasi informal antara para worshippers di tim ifcpw departemen. Kenapa tidak melalui itu karena saya (Annes) tidak mengerti website cuma berpengalaman dalam bidang blogging.. jadi pake blog saja.. hehe.. akan tetap aktif namun keberadaannya lebih bersifat official/formal sedangkan blogspot lebih bersifat informal. Posting yg disajikan akan berhubungan dengan pesan2 dan sharing2 dan diskusi bersama para tim pw. Link comments box disajikan agar kalian bisa memberi masukan, saran, kritik, pendapat, dan lain lain.. dan ini sangat saya encourage biar kita bisa sama2 komunikasi untuk membangun tim pw yg lebih baik.. juga kalian tak perlu takut dengan identitas karena kalian boleh memasukkan nama samaran.. so dont worry :D
Demikian salam saya untuk hari pertama pembukaan ini. Mohon dikunjungi minimal seminggu sekali karena pasti akan berguna dan bermanfaat.. dan yg lebih lagi.. kita bisa sama2 bertumbuh melayani Kristus sebagai para true worshippers sejati dalam tim pw ini. TUHAN BERKATI!
Posted by
10:52 am